Dr. Holder Holder Chiropractic

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Many people think that chiropractors only treat back pain, however, Dr. Holder not only treats pain, but focuses on your whole-body health. You want to know what is causing your pain. You want to receive skilled treatment to help alleviate that pain. And, you want to know what you can do to prevent the pain from coming back. My goal is to get you feeling better as quickly as possible, then you can enjoy your life pain-free.

Here are some of the conditions I treat in my office.

Shoulder issues includes bursitis, tendonitis, frozen shoulder, and impingement. The shoulder is a very complex and mobile joint. Often some of the shoulder muscles are inhibited in their function, while other muscles are too tight. We work with your muscles to facilitate those which are too tight and make gentle adjustments to the associated nearby joints when necessary.

Often there is chronic tightness in the muscles in the neck and shoulder region and at the base of the skull, which often cause tension headaches. There are many different treatment options available in our office. We will also examine your posture in our office because neck pain is often the result of poor posture.

Do you have pain in between your shoulder blades. It is a common complaint. The root cause is often poor posture caused by tightness in our chest and neck muscles from hunching over computers and cell phones, driving cars, and, in general, deconditioning our back muscles. We use gentle adjustments to help the spine joints to regain normal motion.

If pain travels from your back or hip and down the back of your leg, you might have compression of the sciatic nerve. The piriformis muscle in the gluteal region can cause compression of this nerve which runs under and sometimes though this muscle. In addition to chiropractic treatment, we will teach you home exercises and go over postural corrections you can make to eliminate sciatica pain.

Do you have a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction? Chiropractors and especially Applied Kinesiologists are trained to treat every joint in the body, including TMJ. If you have TMJ dysfunction, it can include popping or clicking, pain with chewing, and discomfort with any movement of the jaw.

Low back pain comes in many forms, such as bulging discs, sciatica, arthritis, and muscles spasms. Back pain is disabling and the pain drains your energy. Possible treatments includes gentle joint adjustments, muscle release and relaxation, and soft tissue work. Holder Chiropractic can supply you with an exercise program to strengthen your body so you don’t get recurrences of your low back pain. We want you to be pain free, quickly and permanently.

Although the knee is really just a straight-forward hinge joint, it can cause a lot of problems. Whether caused by ligament injury, patellar tracking disorder, iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome, osteoarthritis, or simply muscle imbalance, Holder Chiropractic can help. There are many combinations of treatments including Graston Technique, targeted exercise, and Applied Kinesiology treatments to the surrounding muscles.

We can address the muscle component of ankle stability using chiropractic adjustments through Applied Kinesiology methods. We can help you to reduce the swelling rapidly and prevent future sprains.

This painful elbow condition is inflammation at the outside part of your humerus arm bone. It can be very painful to grasp things and the area becomes tender to the touch. We will work to make sure all the joints in the shoulder, elbow, wrist and fingers work properly by performing gentle adjustments where needed. We will make recommendations to help speed healing, and we will discuss natural anti-inflammatory options to reduce pain and reduce the time needed to heal.

Are the joints in your feet moving properly? Or, are other muscles and associated joints compensating and causing foot pain. If the muscles that support your feet are too tight or inhibited in their function, then you will have foot pain. We can find the root cause and gently adjust your feet and related leg muscles.

We often find that wrist and hand symptoms are caused by joint fixations in the wrist, hand, and elbow, with the associated muscle imbalances. This condition is not true carpal tunnel syndrome, but is actually is more often the diagnosis. We treat the joints and muscles with gentle adjustments, myofascial release, and targeted exercises.

The stresses of modern life can overwhelm your body, and there are many causes of fatigue. Nutritional supplements might be in order. We can help you find a natural solution to restore your energy and stamina.

This is a condition where the discs between your vertebrae, either in your neck or low back, are thinning due to the cumulative stresses imposed on your spine. While chiropractic care cannot increase the thickness of your intervertebral disc, good chiropractic care can improve the movement of your muscles and bones, thereby leading to less wear on the affected discs. Your 24 spinal bones need to work together, and if some of those joints or related muscles are too tight, it can cause more stress on the joints that are still moving properly. After taking your history and performing an exam, we will discuss whether we think we can help and what care in our office would involve.

We use muscle work and gentle adjustments to help determine the cause of your muscle weakness. Sometimes a disc bulge in your neck or low back can be causing your symptom of weakness. If you do have weakness in a specific muscle or area of your body, it is important to check it out promptly by a doctor to make sure the weakness isn’t a sign of something significant or might be a progressive situation.

Injuries and altered biomechanics can cause joints to wear prematurely. Chiropractic and Applied Kinesiology care offers a comprehensive approach to make all your joints last longer and perform everyday tasks without pain. If your muscles are imbalanced, then you will put increased stress on your joints. In addition, there are many well-researched nutritional supplements that can improve joint health and reduce inflammation. Chiropractors are well trained in nutrition, often more than medical doctors, and can steer you to the best supplements for you.

Often a patient will complain of foot or lower leg muscle cramping, especially in the evenings, repetitive motion from over-exercising, or painful abdominal cramping. Often we find that the patient has complete resolution of their cramping when we give them specific supplements. These might include calcium and magnesium supplements. However, there are many different forms of these supplements, and the right combination of specific nutrients can make all the difference. Nutritional supplements combined with gentle chiropractic adjustments to help release tension in the surrounding tissues, can help you achieved a lasting solution.